About Us
The VPP Steering Committee is comprised of private sector business leaders, economic developers, college and university leaders, community leaders, and others who recognize the importance of collaboration and leveraging resources. The Valley Prosperity Partnership takes the long view on economic and policy issues that affect the businesses, communities, and people of the Red River Valley and the wider region. The VPP aims to make a meaningful and positive difference in the regional economy by building upon core strengths and high-value resources, working to reduce barriers to growth, and further distinguishing the region.
Our History
In 2013, several of the Red River Valley’s private sector industry and higher education leaders came together with our economic development partners. Spurred by the vision of an investment from Forum Communications Company Chairman, William C. Marcil, the Valley Prosperity Partnership (VPP) was formed to identify and implement shared strategic economic development opportunities.
Spanning the borders of North Dakota and Minnesota, the Valley economic performance had far outpaced the Nation’s economy. With robust job growth and diversified industry, the Valley Prosperity Partnership seized the opportunity to take advantage of its unique position of strength to plan for a vibrant, equitable and sustainable economic future.